Gap Year Penn Post-Gap Year
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Gap year returnee, Elana Burack in Spain during her junior year on a Semester Abroad program
The first step to getting connecting and transitioning to life at Penn after your gap year is to join Penn's Gap Year Association. This group is dedicated to supporting these students and helping them find resources, connect with upperclassmen, and build meaningful relationships. The Association is also a space for incoming first-year students who are considering taking a gap year to learn more.
Additional Recommendations:
Build on Your Experience - Seek out student groups and clubs that relate to your gap year experience. Whether you want to practice your language skills, engage with arts and culture, or continue your engagement with a particular country or region, Penn has student groups for practically everything.
Engage Through Your Coursework - Search for classes or reach out to faculty whose work aligns with your interests. Attend office hours – even if you're not taking a class with that particular professor!
Go Abroad Again - Penn Abroad offers not only traditional semester study abroad options, but also short-term abroad experiences including Penn Global Seminars (courses that integrate a travel component during breaks in the academic year) and the Global Research and Internship Program (8-12 week-long summer internship placements overseas).
Share Your Story - Aside from being featured on the Gap Year Experiences website using the form on this page, Gap year returnees are invited to share their stories on the Penn Abroad Blog. You can submit a blog post on our blog submissions page. Kept a blog during your gap year? Submit your best post and it could be cross-listed on our site. Penn Abroad is always looking for ways to highlight Penn's global community.