GRIP, Internships Abroad Preciously Present
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Haerin and fellow GRIP interns Monika, Lucas, Davis, and Doug at the Pylon Lookout over the Sydney Harbour Bridge
September 19, 2022
Haerin So, Wharton '25
Business in Sydney, Australia
If I had to describe my GRIP experience in Sydney in one word, it would be: present. Oftentimes at Penn and in college in general, I felt like I was always catching up or barely making it there. Yet this summer, I was able to be present in every moment and live through every experience.
For starters, this was my first experience being abroad alone and for a long period of time. I was very nervous about moving across the country with people I had never met prior to the program, but I reminded myself to take things one step at a time. Being present allowed me to create meaningful friendships and relationships with people I can see myself being lifelong friends with. There were always people willing to do things like sightseeing, working out, getting food, shopping, and much more; getting to know other students representing so many different communities at Penn was a rewarding experience and one that I will cherish forever. Even on days when I felt overwhelmed and needed a night in, I felt welcome to take time for myself which felt refreshing from feeling like there was always something to be done.
Another goal I had for the summer was to explore my intellectual curiosity and better understand my personal values and what I would want in my career or professional positions moving forward. Through committing to being present at my job every day, I learned a few insights that could help with my future career search: I like having to constantly work with others, being able to tie in sustainability with investing, and working on multiple projects to keep my interest stimulated. I also learned what I don’t love as much—like how open-ended research can be and the feeling of working a desk job. Being present allowed me to better understand myself and how I can look for companies or types of roles that align with my preferences and lifestyle.
Looking back, it’s hard to believe that I was able to grow so much as a person and learn the importance of something as simple as being present. I genuinely feel like I have crossed off everything from my Sydney and summer bucket list and did so in a way that allowed me to live in every moment. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to participate in GRIP’s Business in Sydney program and cannot wait to see what the future holds.
The Global Research and Internship Program (GRIP) provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to intern or conduct research abroad for 8 to 12 weeks over the summer. Participants gain career-enhancing experience and global exposure that is essential in a global workforce.