Postdoctoral Fellow Julie Gamble
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Julie Gamble holds a PhD and master's in city and regional planning (MCP) from the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley and a BA from Northwestern University. Gamble’s teaching while at USFQ focused on globalization, urbanization, inequality and Latin American urbanism. She is interested in gender, urban infrastructure, activism, and transportation justice across Latin American cities. Using a mixed-methods approach, her current research examines ties between informal transit and urban land in Quito, Ecuador. She has written about cycling infrastructure and democratic rights in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research as well as experimental mixed-methods approaches to study cycling experiences in Quito, Ecuador for the Journal of Transportation Geography. Her work has been supported by the American Association of University Women and the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy. While at Perry World House, Gamble focused on her book manuscript that engages questions on how urban infrastructures such, as transit, are a broader site to explore global shifts like urban sustainability and citizenship rights.